Why do finger joints hurt: the main causes and treatment

Causes of pain in the finger joints

Our hands are always at work - they help us serve ourselves, do chores at home and at work, and do other useful things. The most accurate work can be done with your fingers. All of this is possible thanks to the joints. But when the finger joints hurt, we immediately look for the reasons for it and the treatment options. Such pain cannot be neglected and it will not work because it directly affects life.

Why does finger pain occur - the main causes

There are a number of factors that lead to the development of the disease, including:

  • Damage to the immune system;
  • chronic infections;
  • Change in hormone levels. This only affects pain during pregnancy and after childbirth;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • inheritance. If there are people in the family who have joint problems, this predisposition can be inherited.
  • negative factors. Among them - the frequent finding of hands in cold water.

Watch out!The pain syndrome can manifest itself in athletes who receive a lot of microtraumas. It can also be linked to professional characteristics.

Diseases that cause lesions

Let's list the main diseases that can provoke the onset of pain in the finger joints.

Rheumatoid arthritis

This pathology can develop in both adults and children. Especially women are prone to it, they are 2-3 times more likely to have such a diagnosis. The place that suffers from this disease are the small joints. The symmetrical involvement of both arms is a characteristic feature. Other symptoms that need to be seen by a doctor are:

Pain in the finger joints with rheumatoid arthritis
  1. Swelling of the finger joints.
  2. In the morning a stiffness of the finger movements can be felt.
  3. Distal joints feel numb and cold.
  4. Accumulation of fluid in the joint capsules.
  5. A neoplasm appears under the skin. These are rheumatoid nodules.
  6. The fingers are curved and fan-shaped.

This disease does not only occur in the condition of the fingers, it can also complicate the internal organs, hence the question: "What to do? " is particularly relevant in this case. First of all - urgently consult a doctor!

Gouty arthritis

The cause of this disease is a violation of the purine metabolism, which leads to the deposition of salts. In this case, it is important to understand why such a process develops. Men over 40 suffer from it. In addition, the conditions for defeat are: an increased amount of fatty foods, alcohol. Less commonly, gouty arthritis is one of the symptoms of leukemia.

The inflammation does not spread to all joints, most often it affects the thumbs. The symptoms are pronounced:

  • night pain;
  • The skin over the affected area becomes purple and puffy.
  • the affected finger is very sensitive, it is impossible to touch it, it does not bend;
  • Pain occurs during seizures that occur after prolonged physical exertion.

Psoriatic arthritis

This is one of the complications of psoriasis. According to statistics, it occurs in 15%. Arthritis affects the distal phalanges, there is a feeling of aching pain. Severe edema develops, fingers become like sausages, the skin turns red.


In this disease, dystrophic changes occur in the cartilage. The reasons are different: injuries, metabolic disorders, hereditary factors, hormonal changes, occupational workload.

Watch out!This lesion is particularly common in the elderly.

Osteoarthritis is asymptomatic in most cases in the early stages. The disease develops slowly and gradually, so the question of how to relieve pain often does not arise because the syndrome is mild.


Arthralgia as a cause of pain in the finger joints

These are pains in the finger joints that prevent a person from fully living. He cannot write normally, can also take light objects, perform simple actions. All fingers are affected, including the little finger. The pain syndrome can cause mechanical damage or inflammation. The first option is trauma, bruise, sprain. The second is a consequence of the development of the disease. When this happens, the joint swells and turns red. The answer to the question of what to treat is possible only after the final diagnosis.

Important!Problems with the wrists can be a complication of previous illnesses including rubella, salmonellosis, exacerbation of sinusitis, tonsillitis, ARVI.

Vibration sickness

This is an occupational disease that occurs in people who constantly work with hand tools that generate vibrations. In this case, the disease can develop in several stages:

  1. First, there is pain, numbness, "goose bumps" in the fingers.
  2. Further, over time, the pain increases, the sensitivity of the skin decreases, including vibrations. There is a violation of the vascular tone.
  3. In the final stage, trophic complications arise. This is fraught with the loss of both individual fingers of the hand and the amputation of the hand.


This sonorous name describes inflammation of the soft tissues of the finger. It occurs when the infection has entered through a cut, puncture, etc. The first obvious sign is severe throbbing pain. It gets worse at night, the skin swells, pus is released from the wound.

Methods of treating pain in the finger joints

You can find out how to relieve pain and be cured by a specialist. But for this you need to know which doctor is treating - it is a rheumatologist or an orthopedic surgeon. However, you need to go to the surgeon if the disease is neglected.

The main task in the initial stages of treatment is to relieve the manifestations of the disease. The actions to be taken depend on the type of pain. Among them are the following:

  1. If they occur as a result of inflammation, antibiotics, hormones, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed.
  2. If the lesions are dystrophic, the first step is to restore the cartilage. For this purpose, chondroprotectors and auxiliary measures in the form of massage, physiotherapy are used.

Watch out!Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can cause a number of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and diarrhea.

Medicines for joint pain

Methods of treating pain in the joints of the fingers

The first aid to worsen rheumatoid arthritis is glucocorticosteroids. Their reception is combined with the use of special ointments that act as an anesthetic. After the exacerbation is removed, it is necessary to support the body. Cytostatics are used for this.

What you need to know about chondroprotectors

These drugs are additives that stimulate the repair of cartilage tissue.

Chondroprotectors stimulate the formation of the main component of cartilage, prevent the destruction of joint structures and activate the production of intra-articular fluid. They also have pronounced anti-inflammatory effects.

Watch out!Only chondroprotectors do not help with severe joint damage - an integrated approach is required.

Gymnastics, manual therapy

A number of special exercises are selected according to the severity of the disease and only after acute pain has been eliminated. All manipulations are aimed at optimizing the mobility of the joints and ensuring normal blood flow and metabolic processes. In this case, heavy loads are not applied - this can lead to the complete destruction of the tissue. If you feel pain, there is no need to force your fingers to stretch.

With regard to physiotherapy, standard localized methods are used:

  • electrophoresis;
  • microwave resonance therapy;
  • amplipulse therapy;
  • magnetic field therapy;
  • laser treatment.
Folk remedies for the treatment of pain in the finger joints

The key to successful treatment lies not only in strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations and adherence to all recommended procedures, but also in a healthy lifestyle.

Fatty, salty and spicy foods should be excluded from the diet. It is worth giving up alcohol and reducing the frequency of smoking.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of finger joints

Folk remedies for this problem are also used. But these remedies do not cure, only temporarily relieve pain.


Ointment can be made from propolis and oil. You need to take corn or sunflower. Ratio: one part propolis and three parts oil. The ingredients need to be melted and mixed thoroughly. After cooling, pour into an opaque glass container and use two to three times a day.

Hellebore herbal ointment. To prepare it you will need:

  1. Twenty grams of hellebore (herb), chopped.
  2. twenty grams of honey.
  3. ten grams of vegetable oil.
  4. five grams of dry mustard.

Put all ingredients in an enamel container and melt in a water bath. Stir until smooth. Let cool, transfer to a glass container, keep cold. Apply to affected areas before going to bed.


Treated with vinegar. The material soaked in it should be applied to the affected areas for ten to fifteen minutes.

Another effective compression takes place as follows:

  • mix 1 part vodka;
  • 1 part valerian tincture;
  • add 2 peppers to the mixture;
  • Keep the tincture in a dark place for at least 3 hours.
how to get rid of pain in the finger joints

Use it by moistening a cotton swab and applying it to the affected areas several times a day.

Garlic juice is used to compress and swallow with warm milk. In the spring, you can make a tincture of purple flowers. They need to be crushed and insist on alcohol or vodka for 2 weeks. Then use to rub sore joints. Hands should be kept warm until the effects of the tincture are felt.


The causes of pain in the finger joints can vary, so treatment methods are different. Self-medication is not worth it. It is better to consult a doctor for qualified help - this will help avoid complications in the future.